Every time when struggling with the challenging academic assignment, you should not forget that Best-Writing-Service.com is always at your disposal. No matter how complicated the task you have, we will provide you with high-quality help because completing academic projects of different levels of complexity is what we do the best. Thousands of customers from all over the world already know that our company can ensure the highest quality. But what the customer receives when he or she orders Best-Writing-Service.com VIP service? Well, as it is clear from the title, such a customer becomes a very important person at our writing platform and receives the best treatment, support, and care. 

Try our Vip services
Get order written by a Top 10 writer
4.40 USD
Get VIP Support
11.55 USD
Get order Proofread by editor
3.66 USD
Get extended Revision
2.00 USD
Get SMS Notifications
3.00 USD
Get additional Plagiarism Check
5.99 USD
Save up on
Service Package
24.48 USD30.60 USD

What Does It Mean to Be a VIP Customer at Our Writing Service?

Although all of our customers receive outstanding writing help, our VIP customers get more than others. 

Top 10 Writers

First and foremost, you receive a great opportunity to cooperate with one of our best writers. Here, at our writing platform, we have a group of experts with advanced writing skills and a very high level of preparation. Becoming our privileged customer, you can be sure that your paper will be written by one of these knowledgeable specialists, which will definitely bring you the anticipated outcome. This writer will create your paper totally from scratch following your guidelines and instructions precisely. 

Editor`s Review

One more benefit that is available to all of our VIP customers is extra editing. In such a way, you can be certain that your paper will be absolutely free from any mistakes because it will be checked by a seasoned quality assurance manager, who will improve the text of your paper on different layers. At the end of our cooperation, you will receive a truly amazing document that will meet and exceed your expectations.

Priority Support

Our customers often order our Best-Writing-Service.com VIP service because of the priority support option. What does it mean? It means that all of your requests, concerns, and inquiries will become the top priority of our support managers and will be resolved first of all. Want to be guided on every stage of the writing process? Cannot upload files? Want to forward important files to your writer? No problem. Just get in touch with our support manager, and your requests will be addressed in no time. 

Best-Writing-Service.com reviews

What Extras You Get?

Unlike other writing platforms, we never charge our customers for the services that are supposed to be free. As such, cooperating with our writing company, you will get many things including a title page, an outline, a plagiarism report, a bibliography page, etc.without any additional costs. Also, we have free e-mail delivery.

Service Features
300 words/page
instead of 270 words/page
Discount System
VIP Services
Free Revision
(on demand)
Affiliate Program
Plagiarism-Free Papers

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Extended Revision

Following customers’ requests, we have added an extra option. You probably know that all of our clients are free to request a revision within 48 hours from the order delivery. Ordering our extended revision option, you have a free revision deadline extended to 14 days. This option is truly great if you know that your professor will return your paper with comments later in more than two days. 

Now, when you know what benefits are waiting for you if you decide to turn to our writing service, what are you still waiting for? Our company is known as a very customer-oriented platform that is based on the principles of integrity and respect. If you want to impress your teacher by a brilliant paper written in accordance with the latest academic standards, just allow us to help you! Today, you have an opportunity to buy Best-Writing-Service.com VIP service with a 30% discount. So, make yourself a favor choosing our writing service and we won`t let you down!

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