When studying criminology cases, group or individual profiles, etc., it is reasonable to refer to the primary sources of information. In this respect, the databases of governmental agencies are the best option. For this paper, a digitalized copy of the original typewritten FBI archive report (encoded under file number 183-7396) has been studied. Much of the information was removed from the file to limit the public access to sensitive details and facts. Nevertheless, despite being a black-line version, the document clearly shows the gist of the Arian Brotherhood, which proves to be equally dark.

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The Aryan Brotherhood (AB) is an all-white, violence-prone prison gang that is small in number, but able to inflict major terror. AB was born in the California State Prison in the 1960s and soon spread beyond its physical borders. The dangerous nature of the gang results from many factors. Perhaps the primary one is their code of conduct that puts brotherhood before everyone and everything: “My brother will come before all others” (“Aryan Brotherhood”, n.d., p. 7). In practice, this credo means that AB members care only for themselves disregarding all other people. Respectively, they have no mercy for any non-member and act as white racists. The next source of AB’s terror is its trend for drug abuse and narcotic trade among the members that make their activities uncontrollable and extremely violent. Moreover, since imprisoned members manage to preserve their ties with the members on the streets, the latter may act as their “hit squad” (“Aryan Brotherhood”, n.d., p. 41). AB’s speciality is carrying out murder contracts, and the gang members do it in cold blood. Thus, they may kill for money, drugs or drug debts, out of racist or supremacist beliefs, or to avenge their “brothers”. The most frequent victims are non-whites, prison inmates, and/or members of rival gangs. However, since the gang does not care about the wellbeing of the outsiders, any citizen is at risk of becoming a victim during a bank robbery or prison brawl (“Aryan Brotherhood”, n.d.). 

To sum up, it would be sound to quote an excerpt from the FBI report since it reveals all the essence of the Arian Brotherhood in one sentence: “The AB has utilized the tool of intimidation and backed this feeling of fear with some brutal murders” (“Aryan Brotherhood”, n.d., p. 9). 

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